Following an announcement that two senior officials from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) had been relieved due to the toxic work environment allegations that had been brought against the Hastings Veterans Home, State Representative Shane Hudella (R-Hastings) said he supported the move. Hudella is quoted as saying, “With the Commissioner’s actions, I am closing my investigation and will be withdrawing my Data Practices Act and OLA requests and I look forward to continuing to push for funding and legislation in support of the much-needed campus renovation project at the Hastings Veterans Home”, adding that, “I will always place our heroic Veterans, and those who care for them, at the top of my list of Minnesotans to fight for at the Minnesota State Capitol.” The American Legion Department of Minnesota has also stated their endorsement of Commissioner Herke’s move. The Hastings Veterans Home provides shelter and service to approximately 150 residents.