HPD Wins “Sound The Siren” Challenge

The totals are in, and the Hastings Police Department out-gathered the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office for the recent “Sound the Siren” food drive during Food Share Month. With the Hastings Police Department collecting 3,041 food items and $1,376 in monetary donations, compared to 1,946 food items and $568 by the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office, the culmination of the charitable efforts by both departments was a pie in the face of Sheriff Leko, delivered by Chief Wilske. After the pie, Chief Wilske commented on his first time fulfilling this role for the HPD.

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When asked about plans for next year, Sheriff Leko played it close to the chest.

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Of course, the real winners are families in need of food assistance.

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(Chief Wilske and Sheriff Leko. KDWA photo.)

Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2023/05/hpd-wins-sound-the-siren-challenge/