ISD 200 Survey Results

ISD 200 recently completed a survey of 400 randomly selected registered voters residing in the district, who were contacted between April 13th and April 24th, designed to provide a representation of the District’s registered voters. According to Superintendent Dr. Robert McDowell, the District had 89% of respondents saying they “strongly agree” or “agree” with the statement, “I trust the school district to do what’s best for students.” In 2022, respondents were given the opportunity to provide the schools with a letter grade; 65% gave an A or B. This is significantly higher than the benchmark of 44%. The study also indicates the community also feels that ISD 200 schools remain the backbone of the community, giving an 86% “agree” or “strongly agree” rating to the statement, “Strong public schools are directly linked to the well-being of our community.” Community members also came in at a high number (71%) with a “likely” or “somewhat likely” response to the statement “Additional funding would allow the District to maintain current programs without having to make annual cuts.”

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