Commercial Truck Accident In Vermillion

At 9:53 AM, on Tuesday, June 20th, a semi truck with a loaded end dump from Metro Gravel in Newport, northbound on Goodwin Avenue in Vermillion, collided with a Pine Bend Paving dump truck westbound on 190th Street. The hood of the Metro Gravel truck was torn from the body of the truck and the Pine Bend Paving dump truck came to rest on its passenger side in the north ditch of 190th Street. The Hastings Fire Department and the DCSO responded to the accident. According to authorities on the scene, neither driver suffered serious injuries. Traffic in the area was congested as recovery vehicles worked to remove the Pine Bend truck from the ditch. The Metro Gravel truck remained on the shoulder of northbound Goodwin Avenue, but needed to be towed from the scene.

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(Scene photo. KDWA)

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