Hastings Welcomes New Staff

The City of Hastings welcomes three new associates to the City Staff Team. Alex Menke is the City’s new Economic Development Coordinator. He recently graduated with a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Minnesota. Tanya Edmison joins the Community Development Department as a Building Inspector. Her responsibilities include assisting in the compliance, enforcement and interpretation of the building code and related ordinances as adopted by the City of Hastings. And Alana Siebenaler has been promoted to Building Inspector. She has served as a permit tech and most recently senior permit tech in the Building Safety/Community Development Department. The City of Hastings congratulates each of these people for their new positions with the City.

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(L to R: Alex Menke, Alana Siebenaler, and Tanya Edmison. Photos: Courtesy City of Hastings)

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