Today’s clue from Edina Realty for the 2023 Rivertown Days Medallion Hunt is:
It’s Rivertown Days
can I have your ear?
The time to seek the Medallion
is here!
Edina Realty is responsible
for the treasure’s stash.
On public city land
and the reward is cash.
You won’t have to burrow
or ascend up high.
You will have to work
you will have to try.
Go at it alone
or with a team
Finding the Medallion
would be a dream!
Tune in to KDWA tomorrow starting at 2:05 PM for the next clue, if the medallion has not been found yet. Clues can also be gotten directly from Edina Realty, 1640 S Frontage Road, Suite 101 in Hastings starting at 9 AM each morning until the medallion is found.