On Monday, July 3rd at 7:35 PM, Goodhue County Dispatch received a 911 call with a possible male party in the water near the mouth of the Vermillion River where it enters the Mississippi River. According to a GCSO press release, there was a family gathering on the north side of Diamond Island on the Vermillion River. One family member was fishing from shore while three others were swimming in the river. All three of the swimmers started struggling in the water. The male fishing on shore entered the water to help the struggling swimmers. He was able to rescue an adult female. He reentered the water to assist the other two swimmers. All three of the subjects went under the water at this point. 10-15 minutes passed before the 911 call was made. The Goodhue County Sheriff’s Office Water Patrol was on the water and responded within 10 minutes, with assistance from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office, WI DNR, and Red Wing Fire Department. The responding agencies searched for three hours until dark and inclement weather shut down the search. The search resumed on July 5th, and two bodies were located at 6:53 AM, and the third at 7:05. The families of the missing swimmers were made aware of the recovery. The Southern MN Regional Medical Examiner’s office has responded to the scene and will be releasing names of the victims.