The Devin J. Norring Foundation, along with the Confluence Hotel, Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (OSEL), the City of Hastings, the Dakota County Drug Task Force, and Hastings PD have been hard at work planning the 3rd Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st. The Confluence Hotel has been generous to sponsor the event this year. The Confluence Hotel is opening up their ballroom for the event that will start at 6 PM for the community to come in and visit the various resource booths. The program will begin at 7. At the conclusion of the program, the Confluence Hotel will light the cupolas purple in honor and remembrance of those lost to overdose/poisoning. Mayor Fasbender will also be issuing the Proclamation in addition to lighting up the entryways at City Hall purple. Factory Motor Parts is also a proud sponsor of the evening’s event. They will be donating 2 sets of 2 tickets to the Minnesota Twins vs. Angels game on September 23rd to be raffled off towards the end of the program to two lucky people. Winners do need to be present to win.