MN State Senator Judy Seeberger has weighed in on the closure of the Hastings Dairy Creamery and released a statement about the unfortunate turn of events. Seeberger is quoted as commenting, “After being open for 110 years, it’s vital to find a path forward for the Creamery to reopen and continue its service to Minnesota farmers and the community”, adding “The Hastings Creamery is an institution for our community and is essential to processing dairy products from Minnesota farmers. Its closure is not just concerning, but potentially disastrous for our dairy industry.” Sen. Seeberger, who sits on the Senate Agriculture Committee has been in discussion with Commissioner Thom Petersen, Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Aric Putnam, and other partners in finding paths forward for the continued operation of the Creamery, and will work with them and community partners to explore any and all options which can bring the Creamery back online soon.