HPD Names New School Resource Officer

As the dust settles over the controversy regarding Police Department School Resource Officers in Minnesota schools, the Hastings Police Department was proud to stand by ISD 200 and not suspend the SRO Program while lawmakers clarified language governing the program. Hastings Chief of Police David Wilske recently commented that SRO Jacob Willers’ term at the District ended during this time.

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Officer Georgeann Freeman-Denn now steps into the position. She commented on what a day of SRO duty looks like.

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Learn more on the <a href=”https://www.hastingsmn.gov/city-government/city-departments/police-department/inside-hpd/community-engagement”>HPD website</a>.

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(New HPD SRO Georgeann Freeman-Denn. Submitted photo.)

Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2023/10/hpd-names-new-school-resource-officer/