Miesville Ravine Plan Comment Period Open

The future of Dakota County’s Miesville Ravine Park Reserve, the county’s eastern-most park is coming into focus. Public feedback from the past year has shaped preliminary long-range plans for the Park Reserve. The plan’s three-part approach seeks to develop and manage the park in a way that maintains the park reserve’s high quality landscapes, while improving the visitor experience. The County is now seeking input on the draft plans. Public input will be used to refine the plan documents and to help prioritize the first phase of improvements. Visit the project page on the <a href=”https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/About/ParkMasterPlans/Pages/miesville-ravine-park-master-plan.aspx”>County website</a> to review the preliminary plans and provide feedback. The comment period is now open through November 12th.

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Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2023/10/miesville-ravine-plan-comment-period-open/