Nov. 7 Polling Places

Ahead of Tuesday’s ISD 200 Election, the City of Hastings has posted information to ensure voters are aware of the proper polling place to cast a ballot. There will be five combined polling places for this special election that will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Voters in Precinct 1 will cast ballots at Hope Lutheran Church, Precinct 2 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Precinct 3 at Resurrection United Methodist Church, Precinct 4 at St. Phillip’s Lutheran Church, and Precinct 5 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. If you are unsure of where to go on Election Day, please visit the Minnesota Secretary of State <a href=””>Polling Place Finder</a>. Voters can also <a href=””>register </a>to vote online before November 7 through the Minnesota Secretary of State website to save time on Election Day. If you forget to register before Election Day, Minnesota allows same-day voter registration.

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