Prescott City Council Meeting Agenda Preview

The Prescott City Council will meet on Monday, May 13. According to the agenda, the council will discuss and approve the consent agenda first, which includes two special event permit approvals. After that, they will have reports from commissions and then a public comment session will follow. A special event permit for Music in Freedom Park will then be voted on, before a third reading of an ordinance addition in regards to small box discount stores. Two amendments of the zoning ordinance will also be discussed, followed by an approval of an agreement with a corporation for a Boating Infrastructure Grant Submittal through the Wisconsin DNR. Then, a vote or discussion on a resolution to obtain a cost-share grant will take place, followed by a resolution for an approval of agreement with Trail Source for construction of .7 miles of single track trails within Magee Park for $24,900. Another resolution follows, as the council will vote to approve or not approve the replacement of two sewer lift pump stations at the boat launch.

The final resolution on the agenda is the awarding of a contract for a public facilities needs assessment and impact fee study.

Then, there will be an approval of new city hall hours, followed by an approval of nomination to the Cable Commission.

Other business will end the public portion of the meeting before they go into closed session.


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