Dakota War of 1862 Exhibit

Dakota County Historical Society is hosting “Commemorating Controversy: The Dakota-U.S. War of 1862.” The exhibit examines the war that raged across southern Minnesota In the late summer of 1862 between Dakota warriors, U.S. military, and immigrant settlers culminating in the hanging of thirty-eight Dakota men in Mankato by order of Abraham Lincoln. The traveling exhibit was produced by Gustavus Adolphus College students, in conjunction with the Nicollet County Historical Society. It will be on display at the Lawshe Memorial Museum in South St. Paul, through March 28th. Admission to the museum is free, but donations are welcomed. For further information go to www.dakotahistory.org or call 651-552-7548.

Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2015/02/dakota-war-of-1862-exhibit-2/