Members of the Hastings Fire Department have been working with several groups in the community during Fire Safety week. In addition to their mid week open house, teams of fire personnel have gone to the schools to bring the message of fire safety to students throughout the district. On Friday afternoon, two groups from Pinecrest Elementary traveled to the fire station to get up close to the big rigs and see where firefighters live while waiting for the alarm to sound. We talked to several youngsters and asked just what they know about fire safety. These two tell us what’s most important.
The kids saw where crews cooked meals, slept and even the lounge where one boy spied a video game player. He was told, there isn’t much time for video games as fire crews respond to an average of 13 calls per day. Demonstrations were a big part of the outing.
They stood next to giant trucks including a water tender.
Some guessed thousands or millions of gallons. The correct answer was 4,000 gallons. They also found out why this piece of equipment is so important to rural residents.
The second graders got to walk through one of the big rigs and at the end thanked the firefighters for keeping our city safe.