Prescott Officers Break Silence

On Sunday, October 1st, 2 former employees of the city of Prescott, came to KDWA Radio, to give their experience in a story we have been bringing to listeners since the end of July. Those people were Bryan Massman and Ryan Most. Both men were dismissed from their positions August 8th, as full time officers for the Police Department. Both were hired when Chief Gary Krutke recommended them to the Prescott Police Commission to fill positions on the force. In this interview, which will be posted on the website along with other documents, files and data obtained in the coverage of this story, the former officers provide answers to questions about their dismissal, their assertation of numerous unsubtantiated allegations, inconsistencies inside that department during and after the illness and death of Chief Gary Krutke and their response to actions taken to remove them from their jobs. Just hours after the conclusion of a September 27th meeting KDWA had with the mayor, city administrator and city attorney of Prescott, the full personnel files on both officers was released to the media. Represented in those files were numerous documents which were intended to show officer insubordiation, departure from police policy and other infractions. In our October 1st interview, Officer Bryan Massman first notes a shocking discovery made when these files were released to him on August 28th. Massman tells me of that discovery.

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Officer Most describes a similar result.

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Both stated that proper procedure to be followed if a repremand was called for involved a verbal, then written record of any infraction followed by a signed affirmation from supervisor and subordinate of the event within 72 hours of the incident. That signed document would then be placed in the subject’s file. Examination of the files reflect no such signed documents adding that none contained the signature of Chief Krutke. Several authors of documents are noted in both files, including emails and reports that also bear no official signatures.The entire interview with officers Massman and Most, will be placed on the website for public examination. Additional Audio files will also be posted online in the days to come.

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