Palmetto Subdivision Seeks Financial Support From Prescott

Matt Hieb, Engineer for The Palmetto Subdivision presented request at a recent Prescott Public Works Committee meeting for the City to pay a portion of the stub streets for Filkins, Willow and Robert Streets, in the newly developing subdivision. According to the meeting minutes, there are portions of the streets which are not a part of The Palmetto Subdivision but will need to be redone for a total of $327,666. The estimated cost of $581 per foot was based on engineering, grading, utility, curb, gutter and street related costs. It does not include parkland dedication, review fees and land cost. Matt stated they are making a request of $100,000 from the city for the stub streets. Mayor Hovel discussed the possibility of spacing out the townhomes in phase 2. It was suggested the city could possibly purchase two lots and this would create a large setback between the homes. Alderpersons Gergen and Daugherty stated they would not be in favor of the city purchasing the two lots. Alderperson Otwell stated she is in favor of the larger setbacks but not with the city purchasing the two lots. A motion to recommend the payment of $127,000 with $27,000 going for the additional pavement and $100,000 going for the stub street with funding coming from TIF#5 passed without a negative voice vote. The recommendation will be presented to the City Council at a future meeting.

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