Last week, the Rosemount Planning Commission recommended approval of a site plan and building design review for a series of upgrades at Spectro Alloys. Spectro Alloys is planing to construct a new 63,272-square-foot warehouse building, temporary storage area and other related improvements in the next few months. According to published reports, the changes will provide interior storage space for raw and finished materials, but it would not result in any changes to current operations. During a public hearing held at the meeting, there were some questions from residents about how this affects recent action by the Environmental Protection Agency, which reached a settlement with Spectro Alloys in May. According to a release from the EPA, Spectro Alloys agreed to make certain facility improvements including the construction of a new baghouse, which will control all emissions from the furnace including the hearth, upgrade the dryer baghouse, install new capture hoods and make additional improvements to the dryer closed vent system, increase emissions monitoring, and make improvements to the facility’s operations, maintenance, and monitoring plans. The upgrades will cost at least $1 million to install, and Spectro has been required to pay a $110,000 civil penalty to resolve the outstanding violations. The Site Plan now moves to the City Council for further action.