Hastings Council Deliberates Ward Changes

The Hastings City Council has been asked to consider changed to ward boundaries in town after the 2020 Census data was released. Assistant City Administrator Kelly Murtaugh brought the item to the Council meeting on Monday evening.

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Major changes to the wards were to move the section of Ward One across the River in Washington County to Ward Two, and trim a bit of Ward One along Highway 61, moving those affected areas to Wards Two and Four. The Council approved the first reading to adopt the new Ward Boundaries. Precinct and Polling places are scheduled to be adopted at the March 21st City Council meeting, and the 2nd reading and Public Hearing for the boundary changes scheduled for the April 4th meeting.

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Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2022/03/hastings-council-deliberates-ward-changes/