The First Presbyterian Church of Hastings hosted an Ecumenical Prayer Service for Ukraine on Sunday night. The event included music, poems and Scripture as a way to better understand the horrors of the current war. Attendees were encouraged to remember the people of Ukraine and help out financially and through prayer how ever they are able. Clergy leading the worship service included Father Matt Shireman of St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton, Reverend Mark Miller, of Resurrection United Methodist Church, Reverends Mary Rowan and Beth Wanamaker of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Reverend Tanner Howard of All Saint’s Lutheran Church, Reverend Greg Geier of St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, Reverend Steve Robertson of First Presbyterian Church, and Reverend Michael Le Buhn of the Christian Church of the Disciples of Christ. There were approximately 50 people in attendance at the service.
(Front Row: FR. MATT SHIREMAN-SEAS Church, REV. MARK MILLER – Resurrection United Methodist Church, REV. MARY ROWAN and REV. BETH WANAMAKER – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, REV. TANNER HOWARD – All Saints Lutheran Church. Back Row: REV. GREG GEIER – St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, REV. STEVE ROBERTSON – First Presbyterian Church and REV. MICHAEL LE BUHN, JR – Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. Submitted photo)