PSD Seeks Levy Referendum

On April 5, Prescott School District residents will vote whether to provide maintenance needs funding for its three older buildings. If approved, the up to $15 million bond funding would address the urgent needs of these sites to provide safe, healthy and optimal learning spaces. A facility study was completed by SDS Architects (aka River Valley Architects) in 2019, who developed pathways for immediate and long-range future consideration. These considerations were presented community wide. The referendum is touted as a “no tax increase” measure, as it is anticipated that the district’s tax mill rate will drop in 2022. Due to the debt levy dropping, past prepayment of debt, and refinancing, the passing of a $15 million dollar bond referendum will add debt, but the new payment, plus existing debt payments will essentially equal the amount of the 2021-22 tax levy for debt. This is why it is a no-tax-increase. Residents are invited to an open house on the referendum at 6:30 PM at the Prescott High School on Thursday, March 31st.

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