Following up on a story previously reported by KDWA regarding Bird Scooters being found at the bottom of Vermillion Falls in the past weeks, Bird is working closely with the City of Hastings as well as the Hastings Police Department to quickly respond to any reports of vandalism. The Bird App has a Community Mode, which allows anyone with a Bird account to report or provide feedback on vehicle-related issues such as poorly parked or damaged vehicles in their area. When a report is submitted, a member of the Bird team is assigned to correct the issue. Anyone can access Community Mode by tapping the yield sign on the bottom left of the Bird map. Sources in the Bird organization state that vandalism of any kind is deeply disturbing and should not be tolerated. The company is closely monitoring any reports and ask that the community continue to reach out to local law enforcement and to Bird if they see acts of vandalism towards this environmentally-friendly transportation option new to Hastings. If you have questions, Bird Customer Support can be reached 24/7 at or via their support line at 866-205-2442.
(Scooter in the Water. Photo Credit: Brian Slattum)