Goats Arrive At Magee Park

The City of Prescott reports that goats are coming to Magee Park. Starting Thursday, August 4th, if you are in or around Magee Park, you will see goats arriving to help alleviate the buckthorn infestation. City staff commented that buckthorn came to the area in the mid-1800s as a popular hedging material. It was soon found to be quite invasive and has spread throughout this area. Buckthorn is an issue because it out-competes native plants for nutrients, degrades wildlife habitat, serves as a host for pests such as crown rust fungus and soybean aphid, and lacks any natural controls like insects or disease that would curb its growth, except goats. The City is working with Coulee River Trails to organize these goats to help fight the buckthorn problem at Magee Park, so planning can start for improvements at the park. There is no set timeline for the Magee Park improvements. If you have questions on the goats, please give City Hall a call at 715-262-5544.

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