Hastings Community Television has been selected for several NATOA awards for 2022. The NATOA Awards allow for local community media stations/government channels to submit high quality programs to compete with other stations across the United States. HCTV programs receiving awards include an Award of Excellence in Editing for “HCTV Sponsorship Video”, an Award of Excellence in the Student/Intern category for “The Ekko: April 8th, 2022”. Awards of Honor include Live Sports Event for “HCTV SPORTS: Hastings Hockey VS Owatonna”, Profile of a Person for “2022 Educator of the Year: Mike Johnson”, and Use of Humor for “Take a Hike, Mike! Tennis Sanitation”. HCTV also thanks their viewers, and Director Mike Bremer commented that HCTV wouldn’t be able to create this content without the viewers.
HCTV Receives Awards
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