HPD Presents Awards

The Hastings Police Department recently held its annual meeting, and Police Chief David Wilske was honored to present a number of awards for accomplishments during 2022 that were nominated by fellow officers of the department. Awards were a Medal of Valor for Officer Nate Wood, Medals of Commendation for Officers Geoff Latsch, Ryan Haedt, and Payton Walser, a Preservation of Life Award for Officer Nicholas Cross, a Citizen Life Saving Award to resident Yazmine Gibson, and Life Saving Awards for Officers Mike Schmit and Zach Knochenmus, who received two awards each, and Officers Georgeann Freeman, Ryan Haedt, and Payton Walser. The Hastings Police Department is committed to respectful, efficient, and effective service to all who live and work in Hastings, along with all who visit.

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(Yazmine Gibson and Officer Nate Wood Receive Awards, Pictured With The City Council. Photo Source: City of Hastings).

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