Hootenany Raises $20K

On Saturday, 8 venues in Hastings were host to Hootenany 14, the annual music-making, fund-raising event for musical programs at the Hastings Middle School. Dozens of musical acts performed at various social establishments in town, between 4 PM and as late as 1 AM. Venues were the 2nd Street Depot, Hastings Tavern, the Busted Nut, the American Legion, Spiral Brewery, the Quarry Taphouse, the Lock and Dam Eatery, and El Mexican Restaurant. Hoot organizers Joe Pettit, and Drew and Landon Cavalier report that the event raised just over $24,000. There was no event fee, but $20 donations were recommended from attendees. Funds will be used for the HMS Music Department, HHS Scholarships, and in support of local youth musicians.   

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