UHL Military Child Of The Month

The United Heroes League Military Child of the Month for May is ten-year-old Gavin Scott, the son of an Army Sergeant First Class with over 16 years of Service. According to the UHL website, sports have had a tremendous impact on Gavin’s ability to handle life changes associated with being a military child like a champion. Gavin and his family recently moved to Washington after living in Germany for three years. Shortly after moving, he met a kid in the neighborhood who plays hockey. Despite never playing hockey or even skating before, Gavin was able to jump right in and fell in love with the game of hockey. After receiving skating lessons, his family was able to get him outfitted with hockey equipment through United Heroes League. He has also recently won his school’s Student of the Month award. Gavin is an amazing young man full of potential, and United Heroes League is proud to name him as Military Child of the Month.

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(Gavin Scott. Submitted photo)

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