A large group of community members gathered around the Honoring Dakota Mural, which was debuted to the community on Oct. 9, during Chief Red Wing Day in downtown Red Wing. What started as one conversation between a few organizations and a small number of members from the Prairie Island Indian Community has grown to be an unprecedented blueprint for a bridging of communities. It has been months of hard work for the Honoring Dakota Project team and the communities that have participated in the engagements. For those who have been involved from the beginning, it was a moment filled with strong emotions. Many people spoke during the mural unveiling and Wopida on Indigenous People’s Day. Mural artists Jeremy and Collins Fields, Cole Redhorse Taylor, Mayor Mike Wilson, Council Member Becky Norton and Goodhue County Health and Human Services Deputy Director Kris Johnson were among the many speakers. The mural is located on the wall of the City Hall, at West 3rd and Bluff Streets.