HPC Eyes Goals For 2020

At the Hastings Heritage Preservation Committee meeting on November 19th, Commissioner Toppin mentioned that the general goal of the HPC for 2020 should include highlighting the HPC as a protector of history, a resource for homeowners, and to improve communication with the public. Several ideas were explored for objectives to that end, including communication through newsletters, social media, standard media, and the city website. A few possible outreach events were mentioned, including an award winner reception at the LeDuc Estate, award nominations from the community and realtor seminar. Chair Martin added that proposed ordinance amendments will add to the HPC’s responsibilities, and offer additional opportunities for additional objectives. With two existing vacancies and two commissioners’ resignations, nearly half of the HPC will be new in January, since a high amount of applications were submitted over the past few months. Final adoption of 2020 goals should allow for input from the new members. The HPC directed staff to prepare the list of discussed goals and objectives for the next meeting and work with Lee Stoffel, Communications Coordinator on suggestions for HPC communications.    

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