DCSO Diversity Training

The Dakota County Board of Commissioners will be asked to consider a resolution to authorize the Sheriff’s Office to execute an agreement between the Greater Twin Cities YMCA and the DCSO to provide a full-time licensed deputy, through December 31, of 2020, to facilitate racial equity and inclusion training for law enforcement in Dakota County and surrounding communities. According to the meeting agenda, the DCSO was recently approached by the YMCA expressing interest in utilizing a licensed deputy to conduct the training to local law enforcement on a full-time basis. The DCSO will be fully reimbursed $9,167 per month through December 31, 2020 to cover that deputy’s salary and benefits with the potential mutually agreed upon additional reimbursement for mileage and supplies. The request was placed on the Consent Agenda for the August 18th meeting of the Board of Commissioners.

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