Drawn To The River On Tuesday

Hastings resident Glenda Schnirring is encouraging area residents to come to an evening of art, history and remembrance at the Rotary Pavilion. The event, called “Drawn To The River”, features artist Paul Oman as he paints the large representation of Hastings’ history and landmarks. Four people will do brief messages about an aspect of public art in Hastings. Presenters will be Al Todnem, Estrella Carter, Heidi Langenfeld, James Curry, and Steven Read. Glenda gave a little background on Paul and the event.

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“Drawn To the River” is scheduled for 6PM, on Tuesday, July 19th, at the Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park.

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Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2022/07/drawn-to-the-river-on-tuesday/