Plans Submitted For Thorwood Estate Restoration

On Tuesday, The Hastings Heritage Preservation Commission heard an update on plans for restoration of the Thorwood Estate at 315 Pine Street. After being almost completely demolished from a fire in 2017, Pavel Zakharov, who is currently working on the building, explained that the house doesn’t look very different from the exterior but about 250 cubic yards of debris has been removed by bucket. Last fall he had intended on removing the third floor, capping the second, rehabilitating the remainder, and designing a third floor at the end. After removing two feet of rubble he found that the second-floor walls were tied into the third floor, which made demolition and capping unfeasible. The plan is now to rehab the entire exterior, replace the solarium with an addition, and build a rooftop deck on the third floor. The commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposal as presented.

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