You’re invited to a memory making fundraiser designed to support and celebrate Freedom Park and the Great River Road Visitor & Learning Center. The event will have an “Oktoberfest” twist to it, by serving delicious German food and Paulaner beer all while listening to authentic German music by accordionist Ron Machel. The in-person party is on Saturday, October 1, 4:00pm to 8:00pm. It’s only $10 per person to attend. Tickets are on sale through Event.Gives/FreedomPark2022. Come on down to meet new friends and toast Freedom Park with your own personal mini-meister from Jagermeister! An online silent auction will be open for bidding from September 24th through sunset, 6:52 PM, on October 1st. Donations can also be made via text message or on the Freedom Park website. Watch the Great River Road Visitor & Learning Center’s Facebook page or website for announcements about items becoming available to view. Visit to learn more and donate.