At a meeting in early September, the Hastings City Council approved a preliminary 2023 Budget of just over $38 million and set a preliminary property tax levy not to exceed $17,373,405 to invest in public safety, city-wide street and park improvements, economic growth and development and staff recruitment and retention. According to the City, the proposed property tax levy represents a 6.6% increase over 2022, more than two-thirds of which will come from increased property values. A homeowner with a median value home ($293,085) will see an estimated annual property tax increase of $195, or $16.25 per month. The proposed levy increase is similar with other cities in Dakota County, which are estimating unofficial increases between 5% and 10% with an of average 7.2%. The City Council has scheduled a Truth in Taxation public hearing for December 5 at 7 PM, to deliberate these numbers with residents of Hastings.