On Saturday evening, the Prescott Fire Department held its Annual Awards Night to celebrate Prescott firefighters who served with distinction in 2022. Congratulations to this year’s Fire Fighter of the Year, Bob Duffy. Retirements in 2022 included Chief Tom Lytle and Dennis Eaton with 35 years each, Jayne Henderlite, 15 years, and Brandon Eggers with 10 years. Chief Lytle was presented an award for his service by new Fire Chief, Chad Johnson. Active years of service awards were given to Lonnie Johnson, 40 years, Jeff Lubich, 25 years, Scott Miller, 15 years, Natalie Kranig and Steve Finley, 10 years, and Brian Little, 5 years. The 2022 Retired Fire Fighter of the year is Rusty Kinneman. New members that joined the Department in 2022 include Kevin May, Luke Oachs, Jon Renteria, Breaden Hentz, Cody Lentz, and Andrew Johnson.